Let’s face it; pigeons have acidic waste, bullying attitude towards other birds, and the tendency to carry diseases. It feels like they just love to roost in every open spot around your garden.
But everything is not lost; if you want to find out how to get rid of pigeons – you are in the right place. Here are the most effective pigeon control methods that you can implement in your own home right now.
1. Use an ultrasound pigeon repeller
Birds have a great sense of hearing, allowing them to hear sounds that human ears cannot detect. They need to have sharp ears to hear the calls of other birds.
This helps alert them to food, a potential mating partner, and danger. Use this to your advantage and get rid of pigeons with sound.
The Bird-X Balcony Ultrasound Bird Repeller can help remove pigeons from your property by emitting bird distress calls and sounds that predators make. It has several settings that allow you to mix several pre-recorded sounds, making it appear more natural.

This can be heard by birds within a 1-acre radius. Maximize the sound by installing the device in a high area. Pigeons that hear this will think that your home is dangerous and will stay away.
Other kinds of pigeon control devices that use sound to get rid of pigeons use frequencies that can only be heard by these birds. It is at a frequency that is lower than can be detected by human ears but sounds irritating to pigeon ears.
Note that sound-based pigeon control methods may not work immediately. Consistency is key. Leave it on for hours every day and for weeks to make sure that every time a pigeon visits your home, it hears the sounds. This way, it will learn to associate your home with danger.
2. Install a “scare-pigeon”
Pigeons are food for raptors such as falcons and hawks. Unfortunately, these powerful birds of prey cannot be hired to scare pigeons away from your home, but there is a good alternative: scare-pigeons.
Having a scare pigeon that is as life-like as possible is what keeps pigeons away. It’s best to get one that is 3D, life-size, and makes erratic movements or emits the raptor sounds.
But no matter how real it looks and acts, pigeons will eventually get in on the joke if it stays only in one place. Move scare-pigeons from place to place to trick the birds into thinking they’re real.

If you want to stop that pigeon in its tracks, you might want to go for the Dalen Gardeneer Solar Owl. This is a realistic owl figurine that uses solar energy to rotate its head.
It’s eerily similar to how a real owl would scout its surroundings–making it perfect for scaring away those pesky birds. This scare-pigeon is lightweight, so you will need to secure it so that it does not get knocked over by the wind.
You can do this by putting sand inside the figure through the hole at the bottom. Then seal it with the plug that comes with the figurine. Alternatively, you can insert a 1 ¼” PVC pipe and secure that to a wooden board or anything heavy.
3. Use reflective surfaces to deter pigeons
Desperate to keep pigeons off the balcony? Have you got pigeons on the roof pooping all over your home? If you want to get rid of birds around your house without spending a lot, just look for anything that reflects light.
Birds, in general, do not like bright flashes of light. Avian eyes react to the prism effect, leaving birds feeling disoriented.
The good thing is, this principle can be applied with a variety of things lying around your home or going for cheap in your local department store. Old CDs, small mirrors, aluminum foil strips, foil balloons, or outdoor reflective tape are some popular choices.

Hang them from a string and position them wherever you see pigeons hanging out. As they move with the wind, these catch the light and scare pigeons away.
If you are going for convenience and low maintenance, try the De-Bird Reflective Scare Tape. This is among the most popular bird deflectors because it catches the light very well and crackles loudly in the breeze.
A single roll carries 350 feet of tape so it can cover a large area. It’s best to cut out strips 16-18 inches long. Tack them on vertical surfaces near where pigeons like to roost, or else hang them from a string and let them flap in the wind. They last for months, but you can easily replace them by cutting another strip.
4. Install anti-roosting spikes
If you want to protect your ledges from pigeon roosting, anti-roosting spikes are a good option. By minimizing areas where they can get a foothold, you make your home a less viable option for pigeons to hang out in.
The Bird-X Bird Spikes Kit is popular because it has protrusions that make it difficult for large birds to sit.
The plastic polycarbonate material is durable, long-lasting, and requires little to no maintenance. It’s also clear-colored, making it difficult to notice from a distance. This way, it does not hamper the aesthetics of your home.

You will need to measure the areas where you plan to install it to know how many kits you will need. Each kit comes with 10 pieces of 1-foot long spike segments that can cover 5-10 linear feet of ledge space depending on how widely you space them apart.
You may opt to use the special adhesive glue that comes with the kit, or you can attach it using nails, screws, or tie-downs. This is a good way to keep pigeons away from horizontal surfaces, but note that these birds are smart.
They will learn to avoid the places where the spikes are installed. When it is placed along horizontal surfaces under a roof or against another wall, there is a possibility for birds to use these to make nests. Therefore, pigeon spikes are best installed on ledges that are open to the sky.
5. Apply a pigeon repellent gel to roosting areas
If you are scratching your head over how to get rid of pigeons on your roof, remember that you need to make it less attractive to them. You can do that by making their roosting areas untenable with pigeon repellent gel.
Bird-X Bird Proof Repellent Gel is among the most popular on the market. This comes in three caulk tubes that each can cover an area of about 10-12 feet.
Load the caulk tube into your caulk gun and apply easily in lines or in dots. Birds that land there will realize the surface is very sticky and leave immediately.

This is a non-toxic petroleum-based gel that stays sticky for weeks in different weather conditions. Since it’s a clear gel, it’s barely noticeable. Use this to keep pigeons off the roof and other places that humans and pets do not frequent.
Not the best idea to use this to get rid of pigeons on balcony or on any railings, window sills, or landings that people touch, as the bird repellent gel is very sticky and difficult to remove.
This is a safe way to get rid of pigeons without hurting them, but following instructions properly is key. Avoid heavily smearing an entire surface with the gel as birds can get stuck and hurt themselves.
6. Install a motion-activated sprinkler
If you want to know how to eradicate pigeons from your yard and stop the pigeon poop from raining down your garden, consider using a motion-activated sprinkler. An unexpected spray of water is among the most humane and non-toxic ways to get rid of pigeons.
The Orbit 62100 Yard Enforcer is a motion-activated sprinkler designed to help keep your garden well-watered and well-protected from pests. It uses a combination of water, sound, and movement to scare pigeons and other unwanted guests away.

This has a wide range of settings so you can adjust according to your pigeon pest control needs. The sensor can be adjusted upwards for birds and is able to detect movement from 40 feet away.
The spray protects 1600 square feet of space, although you can make the range of motion more narrow to avoid garden paths and other things you wouldn’t want to be watered. It has a smart sensor that can tell if the movement is from an animal or from the wind. It will only get triggered by the latter.
Plus, you can customize the settings such that the sprinkler will only work during the day, or only during the night, or 24/7. Just attach it to a hose as you would a normal sprinkler, and bury its dual-step spike into the soil. Adjust the settings, and you’re good to go!
7. Test out a bird shock tape
An efficient pigeon removal method is to deliver a shock to make the birds fly off. An easy and relatively inexpensive way to do this is to use bird shock tape.
Make Em Move Shock Tape is a 50-foot roll of clear tape that has the ability to conduct electricity. It is able to do so because it has three metal leads running through its length.
Like your typical school supply tape, all you need is to peel it off the roll, stick to the surface of your choice, and smoothen it out.
Charge it with a standard 110-volt charger or a solar charger. Once charged, this becomes a formidable pigeon control device. The birds do not realize that there is tape on the ledge on account of its transparent color.
As they land and perch, their feet touch the deterrent strips. Immediately they will receive a small and short electric shot. The pigeons are literally jolted out of the position by the electric current. A couple more instances of this and they will learn to avoid your home.
The Bird Barrier Bird Shock Charger is a way to charge your bird shock track. It powers around 200 feet of track. Place 2 D-cell batteries in, attach it to your track, and that’ll be enough to power it for up to two months.
8. Install a weatherproof string
A weatherproof string is another way to deter pigeons from roosting near your home without hurting them. These fine, almost invisible pieces of string are stretched taut over favorite perching spots.
When the birds swoop in to hang out in your house, they grab the ledge with their claws and find themselves reeling at an unexpected surprise. They are caught off-balance because of something they cannot see properly and become wary of roosting in that spot.
Who would have thought that such a simple method could be so helpful in pigeon proofing your home?

This principle of using a bird deterrent wire will work with any rope or thread, but if you do not want to be inconvenienced by replacing it over and over again, you should go for a weatherproof string.
As the name implies, it can withstand the elements. It is also designed to be strong enough to resist the force of a pigeon swooping into the land.
Just tie the string such that it is an inch or so above the surface you are trying to discourage pigeons from perching on. Make sure it’s taut and tied up well on either end. Check it every couple of weeks to make sure it’s still standing.
9. Eliminate food sources
There are some instances when a pigeon infestation refuses to go away, even if you try multiple methods of pigeon deterrence.
No matter how many bird deflectors for windows you install, no matter how liberally you douse your home with pigeon repellent spray, no matter how often you climb up the roof to get rid of pigeon nest, they just keep coming back.
Oftentimes, this happens because they have a strong enough reason to. So if you want to find out the best way to get rid of pigeons in your home, you have to first understand what they’re doing there in the first place.

The presence of food is a strong enough motivator for pigeons to return to your home and ignore all the pigeon deterrent devices and pigeon deterrent sprays.
These birds are strongly attracted to berries, seeds, grains, beans, and fruits. Earthworms, snails and other insects make for an occasional snack. In urban settings, pigeons can become scavengers, congregating around trash bins with human food in them.
Observe the pigeons in your home. Are they congregating around certain trees or bushes? Is there something on the ground they are pecking at? Do they hover around the trash? Dedicating a couple of minutes every day to observing their habits can tell you a lot about how to get rid of them.
10. Seal off ALL the entrances
Pigeons like to nest in corners where they can get protection from the sun, the cold, and predators. Take a walk around your home to pinpoint places that pigeons would love. Preventing access to these areas is a helpful way of getting rid of pigeons.
There are a lot of ways to do this using items found in the home improvement section and hardware stores. You can use silicone caulk to fill in small openings.
Use hardware cloth if you want to cover a bigger area. Bird or pigeon nets can be hung around the space above rafters to prevent them from making their home there.

Birds love attics, so it’s good to pay special attention to that part. Prune the tree branches that graze your walls, as this can encourage roosting and nesting near your home.
If you’ve had pigeon nests in your home before, it’ll be much easier to know where to focus. Clean out the old nests and waste, and seal off that area with pigeons netting.
This is best done in conjunction with other pigeon control methods. Making your home untenable for these birds is the first step to getting rid of them.
11. Remove the bird bath
You may have put out a bird bath to attract beautiful birds into your garden, but you’ll have to remove it if you’ve got pigeons nearby.
Pigeons are not water birds, but they do enjoy a good bath. They do it to maintain good feather condition and to cool down during hot days.
But once your bird bath has been invaded by a flock of pigeons, you can be sure they’ll bully other birds away so only they can use it.

In this case, it’s time to drain out the bird bath. These only make your home more attractive to these pests.
Consistency is key here, so make sure it stays empty by removing water after it rains. With the pigeon bathtub gone, it’s one less reason for them to stay.
Also, check around your property for things that might serve as a bird bath. Shallow containers of water uncovered by a lid or a shallow hole in the driveway where water puddles form may also serve as bird baths.
12. Install a pigeon net
When you realize the garden harvest you work so hard for has been devoured by pigeons, it’s easy to understand why you want to get rid of pigeons with poison or anything that will cause them pain.
But we must remember that there are ways to get rid of pigeons without hurting them. There’s no need for pigeon extermination and other lethal methods to get rid of these birds if you can prevent them from landing on your plants at all–which is the point of pigeons netting.

This is the best pigeon deterrent that will protect the hard work you’ve put in your garden. It is best to install it on thin rods instead of thick planks of wood, as the latter can serve as a roosting area.
Make sure to leave a space of at least 6 inches between the netting and the nearest branch or shrub to prevent birds from picking at it through the mesh. Install it at a steep angle so that pigeons won’t be tempted to land on them.
The De-Bird Heavy Duty Bird Netting will work well against larger birds such as pigeons. It is made of polypropylene, a durable but lightweight material that allows for easy handling and long-lasting protection. It is resistant to rot and can work through different weather conditions.
13. Cap your chimney
The chimney deserves a separate mention because it’s among the top bird-friendly places in a house. They love to roost and nest in this area, which makes it difficult for people to get them out. Before you cap your chimney, first make sure that there are no birds trapped inside.
If there is, you can coax it out by putting a cardboard box inside the fireplace, with its opening facing up towards the ceiling. Make sure it fits snugly to ensure that the pigeon won’t have anywhere else to go but inside the box.

Pull it out just enough so that you can insert a flashlight in. Shine it on the bottom of the box and put it back in. The light should attract the bird to fly down the chimney and into the box. It may take some time to do this yourself. If it is not successful, it is best to call an expert.
Once you’re certain there are no birds or nests stuck in your chimney, you can proceed to cap it. There are many chimney caps on the market that will fit any home aesthetic.
Note that caps with smaller mesh holes are more effective at keeping animals out, but they also require more maintenance. Ash, soot, and creosote can fill up these spaces quickly, so you will need to check it every so often to make sure it’s still clear.
14. Remove nesting materials and pigeon droppings
Whether you plan to use pigeons netting over your garden, use sprinklers as a natural pigeon deterrent, or hang streamers of reflective tape all over your house, there is one thing you should do before attempting any pigeon control methods: And that is to clean out all the pigeon nests and droppings in your home.
Remember that pigeon poop is particularly corrosive. It is highly acidic because of the uric acid content. This allows it to destroy a different building and roofing materials.

It can also be a source of zoonotic diseases that are transferable to humans. Remnants of pigeon nests should also be removed to make it easier to install deterrent devices such as netting, shock tape, and other fixtures.
It is best to wet pigeon droppings before removing them to minimize dust. Wear a dust mask to be extra safe.
Use warm water through a hose or power sprayer to remove them easily and to minimize contact. Soap can also help loosen them up. If you are cleaning poop off your roof, place a tarp on the ground below to catch the waste.
15. Trap and release
You might consider trapping pesky birds and releasing them a good distance away. Note that this may not be the best way to get rid of pigeons because some species have a strong homing instinct. It will take a long drive away from home to be successful.
To successfully lure pigeons, place the trap somewhere they frequent, far away from any natural pigeon deterrent or pigeon repellents that you might have installed before.
For at least seven days, put bird feed inside and allow them to come and go as they please. More and more birds will come in as they realize there are free food and drinks. This will help the flock think that the area is safe.

You can catch them using the Bird Barrier Pigeon Trap. This is designed specifically for trapping pigeons. It is designed to accommodate 10 live birds.
With a built-in drinker and a removable cover for shade, it minimizes harm done to the birds from trapping to freeing in the wild. Entry is made easy with four openings, but escape is made near impossible with the slanting walls and strong mesh.
Once full, take the cage and drive to a location at least 5 miles away (the farther, the better). Open the spring-loaded door at the top of the cage, and watch the pigeons fly off into their new home.
thank you for the article
Will the ultrasonic noise scare away
more than just the pigeons? We don’t want to scare the small birds, quail and some of the doves away just pigeons.
I also heard cinnamon will deter.pogeons but the source doesnt comment if it deters all birds or just pigeon family birds. Our neighbor and we have a distinct pigeon problem with pets. We are in dire need of help.
Hi Terry, Did you ever find out if you can just scare away the pigeons and not the other birds?
Can I use a gel blaster? A child toy that shoots a 7mm ball of soft gel that (usually disintegrates ) on contact. No lasting damage and certainly unable to kill a pigeon if contact was made.
I bought one and it was broke when I got it. If you find one that works let me know because that my plan. I’ve tried everything else
I took the rock pigeons I trapped over 40 miles away. Still most came back.
Good information to control Pigeon.